
A mutator is a value whose type implements the Mutator<T> trait, where T is any type that is Clone + 'static.

While it is possible to hand-write mutators, the easiest way to get one is to use the DefaultMutator trait and procedural macro.

use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator;
#[derive(Clone, DefaultMutator)]
enum Operation<T: Ord> {

Now, we can get a mutator of Operation<T> by writing, for example:

fn example() {
    let mutator = Operation::<bool>::default_mutator(); // impl Mutator<Operation<bool>>
    // or for a mutator of `Vec<Operation<bool>>`
    let mutator = Vec::<Operation<bool>>::default_mutator(); // impl Mutator<Vec<Operation<bool>>>
    // ...

If we have a Mutator<Vec<bool>>, then we can use it for any function whose input type can be obtained by borrowing Vec<bool>. So it is valid for:

  • fn test(xs: &Vec<bool>)
  • but also fn test(xs: &[bool]) because Vec<bool> can be borrowed as [bool]